Terebi O Mimasu. terebi o mimasu i watch tv toshokan de hon o yomimasu i will read books in the library uchi de terebi o mimasu i will watch tv at home kyou gakko ni ikimasen i will not go to school today uchi ni kaerimasu i will return home nichiyobi ni kyoto.

Maiban terebi o mimasu “Mai” means “every” while “ban” means “night” in Japanese but in English it means to prevent something from happening Therefore “maiban” means every night The phrase “terebi o mimasu” means to watch TV Together the sentence “Maiban terebi o mimasu” means to watch TV every night.
Learn Japanese Japanese Verbs CosCom
terebi o mimasu watch TV koora o nomimasu drink cola ongaku o kikimasu listen to music One can also attach a subject to the sentence to explain who or what is doing the action Examples Watashi wa hon o yomimasu I read books Annasan wa Nihongo o benkyou shimasu.
genki chapter 3 grammar example sentences Quizlet
What does テレビを見る (Terebi o miru) mean in Japanese? English Translation watch tv More meanings for テレビを見る (Terebi o miru) watch television テレビを見る Find more words! Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanc.
Nihongo o Narau Lesson 6
o mimasu 1 Watashi wa terebi o mimasu I (will) watch TV 2 Susansan wa sakkaa o mimasen Susan doesn't watch soccer 3 Watashi wa kinoo uchi de bideo o mimashita I watched a video at home yesterday 4 Watashi wa sono eiga o mimasendeshita I didn.
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What does テレビを見る (Terebi o miru) mean in Japanese?
Japanese 10 Questions Quiz / Test Hard Japanese Sentences
terebi o mimasu YouTube
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