Talking Statues Divinity. The next part of this sidequest takes place in the Northern tip of the map Find the four elemental statues and use a matching attack on each one (ex use Flare on the Fire Statue) A Level 6 Demon will spawn after you attack each statue Once all four are defeated head into the cave and talk with Bellegar to finish the quest Bugs Notes.

I only got a clue from one statue the one that talks about mayhem and havoc Aside from this one clue I can’t get any statue to talk or respond in any way I tried using the above posts but I think the glitch prevents you from opening the door until each statue confirms your guess and tells you to verify the answers at the door.
Five statues in kearas fortress? Divinity II: Ego
Hm my memory is that when you speak to the statues each one tells you a lie and you can counter by giving evidence of an NPC who was told the same lie but the statues just say “oh but for YOU I’m telling the truth Promise” And the quest was still active.
the talking statues divinity
The Talking Statues is the first side quest you can access After arriving to the island in Part 1 follow the beach while hugging the easternmost rock.
Divinity Original Sin The Talking Statues Solution
The Lady in the Lake is a Side Quest in Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Close by the talking statue you will see a pressure plate that you can step on to move the stone pillars down into the ground clearing the path On the other side you will see a lever that can be used to permanently keep the path clear.
How To Get Four Relics Armor In Divinity Original Sin 2
The Talking Statues Cyseal Side quests Divinity
The Talking Statues Divinity: Original Sin Wiki Guide IGN
The Lady in the Lake Divinity Original Sin Wiki
Divinity Original Sin Wiki The Talking Statues
Cyseal City map Cyseal Maps Divinity: Original Sin
Ornate Chest near Talking Statues? :: Divinity: Original
Talking Statues? :: Divinity: Original Sin (Classic
Divinity: Original Sin Talking Statues Quest Walkthrough
divinity? talking statues in Where are the
the talking statues divinity
The Talking Statues Divinity Wiki Fandom
The Talking Statues Divinity: Original Sin Wiki Guide IGN
The Talking Statues Divinity Original Sin Wiki
The Wishing Brother Divinity Wiki Fandom
Where are the talking statues? Larian victims of the
Divinity: Original Sin Guide and Walkthrough PC By
OverviewWalkthroughGalleryThe Wishing Brother is a quest in Divinity Original Sin This quest is obtained when you speak to Walter McWishing Well a talking well that can be found Southwest of the Cyseal Old Church next to the ruined entrance to the church Text under.