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PT DATINDO INFONET PRIMA About Company History Datindo Corporation adalah organisasi terkemuka yang mengkhususkan diri dalam Perbankan dan Kantor Sistem Otomasi.
Software Development Jobs at PT. Datindo Infonet Prima
PT Datindo Infonet PrimaDatindo Corporation is the leading organization specializing in Banking and Office System Automation We provide complete integrated Banking Solution in terms of hardware and software for banking and financial institutions Our core services and products break into banking front end and back end operation We offer a full range of operational.
PT Datindo Entrycom menerima Awward dari PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) sebagai “The Most Active Registrar” berdasarkan jumlah Emiten yang dikelola administrasi sahamnya yang pada tahun 2017 terbanyak di Indonesia mencapai 114 Emiten dengan kapitalisasi saham yang diadministrasikan mencapai lebih dari 30% dari total kapitalisasi saham Emiten yang.
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Deskripsi Umum Perusahaan Nama Perusahaan PTDATINDO INFONET PRIMA Tanggal berdiri 21 april 1984 alamat Perusahaan Graha Permata Pancoran Blok c 23 Komplek Triloka TNIAU JlRaya Pasar Minggu No23 Jakarta Selatan 12780Indonesia Telp (6221) 7970398 (Hunting) jumlah Karyawan 289 orang Email datindoinfonet@gmailcom Dibawah ini merupakan.
Pt Epsindo Prima Solusi Budi Luhur Career Center
at PT. Datindo Software Development Jobs Infonet Prima
PT Datindo Infonet Prima
Software Development (Mobile Developer, Web Developer
PT Datindo Infonet Prima
Fajar Triasmoro Field Services Engineer PT Datindo
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1 1 1 90% 90% rate salary as high or average 75% 75% employees recommend this employer to friends Your trust is our main concern so these ratings for PT Datindo Infonet Prima are shared ‘as is’ from employees in line with our community guidelines View more info.