Precede Proceed Model Ppt. PRECEDE/PROCEED is a communityoriented participatory model for creating successful community health promotion interventions PRECEDE has five phases Phase 1 Social diagnosis Phase 2 Epidemiological diagnosis Phase 3 Behavioral and environmental diagnosis Phase 4 Educational and organizational diagnosis Phase 5 Administrative and policy diagnosis PROCEED has four phases Phase 6 Implementation Phase 7 Process evaluation Phase 8 Impact evaluation Phase 9 Outcome evaluation Author workgroupLast modified by choltCreated Date 6/17/2008 63629 PMTitle PRECEDE/PROCEED.
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27 PRECEDEPROCEED model is a participatory model for creating successful community health promotion and other public health interventions It is based on the premise that behavior change is by and large voluntary and that health programs are more likely to be effective if they are planned and evaluated with the active participation of those people who will have to implement them and those who are affected by them.
PRECEDE/PROCEED is a communityoriented participatory model for creating successful community health promotion interventions.
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MODEL PRECEDEPROCEEDMODELDeveloped by Dr Lawrence W Green and colleagues Provides a model for community assessment PRECEDE Stands for predisposing reinforcing andenabling constructs in educational diagnosis andevaluation is used for community diagnosis PROCEDE acronym for policy regulatoryorganizational contructs in educational andenvironmental development is a model forimplementing and evaluating health programsbased on PRECEDE.
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THE PRECEDEPROCEED PLANNING MODEL Description THE PRECEDEPROCEED PLANNING MODEL Muji Sulistyowati Phase 5 Administrative and Policy Diagnosis Phase 4 Educational and Organizational Diagnosis Phase 3 Behavioral – PowerPoint PPT presentation Number of Views 85.
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PrecedeProceed Model My PDF Psychological Concepts
PROCEED spells out Policy Regulatory and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development and true to its name as well describes how to proceed with the intervention itself PRECEDE has four phases which we’ll explore in greater detail later in the section Phase 1 Identifying the ultimate desired result.