Phellinus Pini. Phellinus pini (current name Porodaedalea pini (Brot) Murrill 1905) is a fungal plant pathogen that causes tree disease commonly known as “red ring rot” or “white speck” This disease extremely common in the conifers of North America decays tree trunks rendering them useless for lumber It is a rot of the heartwood.
Mushroom Observer Observation 44531 Phellinus Pini Brot Bondartsev Singer Site Id Porodaedalea Pini from Mushroom Observer
The Pathogen Phellinus pini is widely spread in the temperate zone in the Northern Hemisphere It infects a wide range of coniferous trees including jack pine lodgepole pine Sitka and white spruce Douglasfir balsam and true fir western hemlock and tamarack It attacks both heartwood and sapwood and causes white pocket trunk to rot Basidiocarps conks are the most apparent signs on.
Phellinus pini
Phellinus pini (Thore) Pilat Preferred Common Name brown rot of conifers Other Scientific Names Fomes pini (Thore) PKarsten Trametes pini (Thore) Fr Xanthochrous pini (Brot) Pat International Common Names English heart rot of conifers red rot.
Phellinus pini an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Phellinus pini is one of the more common stem and butt decay fungi in conifers Although estimates for the Rocky Mountains have not been made it was estimated that 17% of overmature Douglasfir in the Pacific Northwest were decayed and of this over threefourths was from red ring rot (Harvey 1962) Decay extends 2 to 4 feet above.
Management Guide for Red Ring Rot USDA
Phellinus (Fomes) pini is reported to be the major cause of stem decays in conifers in the northern temperate zone It is particularly severe on Douglasfir in the northwest and white pine in the east The common names for this decay are whitepocket rot white spec or redring rot since the small decayed pockets in some hosts are concentrated in the earlywood bands The wood is a pink.
Mushroom Observer Observation 44531 Phellinus Pini Brot Bondartsev Singer Site Id Porodaedalea Pini
Phellinus pini Wikipedia
Phellinus pini Summarized by Content
Phellinus pini (brown rot of conifers)
Phellinus pini (current name Porodaedalea pini (Brot) Murrill 1905) is a fungal plant pathogen that causes tree disease commonly known as “red ring rot” or “white speck” This disease extremely common in the conifers of North America decays tree trunks rendering them useless for lumber It is a rot of the heartwood Species P piniGenus Family Kingdom.