John Fontain Islam. PLEASE DONATE TO DAWAH http//jesusandtheinjeelcom/donate/PLEASE NOTE The Permission was sought and the safety of the New Muslim was taken into considerat.
Shocking Video Rapper The Game Hears About Islam John Fontain Video Dailymotion from Dailymotion
Christmas Season Challenges for a Revert MuslimBy John FontainEpisode one Holding onto Islam_____Follow us onFacebook https//wwwfacebook.
Holding onto Islam EP 1 John Fontain YouTube
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Englishman accepts Islam (Cambodia) John Fontain YouTube
In this video John Fontain discusses his story of how he came to Islam He also sheds some light on what to understand from the early death of the famous movie star Paul Walker This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims It contains a lot of brief yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam.
John Fontain, Christian, UK The Religion of Islam
PLEASE DONATE TO DAWAH http//jesusandtheinjeelcom/donate/wwwfacebookcom/mrfontain.
Shocking Video Rapper The Game Hears About Islam John Fontain Video Dailymotion
Discovering Islam John Fontain
Talking Islam with Atheists John Fontain YouTube
SALAMCast – S.A.L.A.M Initiative
Christian accepts Islam John Fontain The Deen Show
John Fontain is a British Islamic speaker and lecturer from Manchester He is very active in performing Dawa (inviting people to Islam) internationally He is a convert to Islam John Fontain His Story of conversion to Islam YouTube.