Global Airport Operators. Historical Background of AirportglobalizationInternationalization For Airport GroupsScale of The Phenomenon and Involvementin AciThe Way Forward For Airport PrivatizationAcceleratedglobalization has resulted in an increasing integration of local and nationaleconomies into a global market supported by growth of international trade andfinance In such context airport operators similar to other business alsostarted looking for ways to enlarge and diversify their portfolios beyond theirtraditional national boundaries Sinceairport privatizations took off in the late 1980s in Europe and continued inother parts of the world – but mainly in Latin AmericaCaribbean andAsiaPacific – a number of airport operators established themselves assuccessful commercial companies and developed specialized expertise in airportoperations but also in other airportrelevant activities such as planningengineering and construction Many European companies such as the former BAAformer Aer Rianta (now the DAA) former Aéroports de Paris (now Groupe ADP) RoyalSchiphol Group and Fraport AG have been active in providing consultancyservices and running management contra Internationalizationin its most literal sense is the process of increasing involvement ofenterprises in international markets This process is a combination ofeconomic technological sociocultural and political forces For airportgroups internationalization process resulted in a successful transfer of operationand management skills through various forms of involvement—from minorconsultancy projects and shortterm management contracts to enhance operatingefficiency to full divestiture via sale of assets The concession modelespecially the buildoperatetransfer (BOT) form and variation thereof becamethe iconic archetype of international private sector participation in theairport business whereby foreign companies were granted rights to financedesign construct own and operate airport facilities Takinga longerterm view of airport privatization undoubtedly the emergence of newinternational airport operators has major implications for the airportindustry Airport compani Preliminaryresearch conducted by ACI revealed twenty global airport groups spanning theiroperations across 396 airports in 57 different countries—belonging both toadvanced economies and emerging markets These groups appeared extremelyheterogeneous in terms of number of countries covered number of airports intheir respective portfolios traffic volumes as well as other dimensionsNevertheless some important features have been revealed namely thepredominantly private nature of these operators—17 of out 20 global airportgroups are either fully or partially private as well as significantinvolvement at the level of airport networks—global airport groups areresponsible for operating 24 airport networks across Europe LatinAmericaCaribbean and AsiaPacific while 12 out of 20 groups have at least oneairport network in their portfolio Even though the identified 396 airports part of global airport groups constitute approximately 10% of all airports in the world with scheduled commer WhileACI undertook the first steps to assess the importance of global airportgroups it is fully cognizant that it deserves close attention and thoroughresearch While the traditional comparative performance assessment frameworkscan give understanding to the scale and scope of the global airport groupsmodel other directions are worth exploring namely assessing value creationattributed to these airport operators.
Airport Operations Basic An introduction to airside operations which provides an overview of every aspect of airside operations using both theoretical and practical teaching Topics covered include aircraft and airport operations adverse weather bird hazard management air traffic services airside driving marshalling and health and safety.
Operator Profiles – Airport Investor Resource
World Headquarters Madrid Spain Airports 100% owned and operated Aena operates 46 airports and two heliports in Spain including Adolfo Suárez MadridBarajas and Barcelona El Prat airports Others Aena Internacional has interests in 23 airports in Brazil Colombia Jamaica Mexico and the UK.
The AZ of global airport operators – Airport World
Global Airport Operation industry trends (20162021) Global Airport Operation industry outlook (20212026) poll Average industry growth 20212026 xx lock Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the average company profit margin for this industry.
News Article World Travel Tourism Council Wttc
Global airport groups: A rising value proposition for the
Airport Operations Global ATS
Global Airport Operation Industry Data, Trends, Stats
Global Airport Operators Note airportIR defines ‘Global Airport Operators’ generally as those operating more than one airport in more than one country with a few notable exceptions where multiple airports are operated within a single country (ie AdaniIndia AGUNSAChile FerrovialUK ManchesterUK OMAMexico).