Blog Url. How Do I Choose a Blog URL? Make It Easy To Pronounce A good blog URL should be easy to pronounce When people get hooked on your content and tell Make It Easy To Remember A good blog URL should be easy to remember Again when you tell people about your blog you Avoid Hyphens Underscores.
Create a blog Sign in to Blogger On the left click the Down arrow Click New blog Enter a name for your blog Click Next Choose a blog address or URL Click Save Note Make sure you comply.
How to Create Your Own Customized Short URL for Your Blog
How to Create Your Own Customized Short URL for Your Blog Step 1 Buy a Short URL or Short Domain Name Most of us do not have a short URL as our primary domain name This means Step 2 Setup Your Custom Domain in Bitly Bitly is a popular URL shortner service that allows you to manage and.
What is the Best Way to Structure a Blog URL? Umbrella
What is the Best Way to Structure a Blog URL? 1 Start by editing the URL before hitting the publish button Before you do anything you need to pay attention to editing the URL before you hit the publish button In your blog preparation along with creating the content pulling together keywords you need to decide what your blog URL is going to be.
How To Write Your First Blog Post 58 Best Ideas And 65 Expert Tips
How Do I Choose a Blog URL? MyBlogTutor
What's The URL Of My Blog? Nitecruzr
Blogger Help Create a blog
The URL ” http//bloggerstatusforrealblogspotcom/ ” is the original BlogSpot address Not everybody likes having a BlogSpot address so we can publish to an external address with a moderate amount of work This blog is published to a Google Custom Domain and to the URL of ” http//bloggingnitecruzrnet/ “.